Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Opportunity to Reconnect

You know...it's interesting when you move to a new city. I did in 2008, and I am still getting used to my new digs. I've been here about seven months, and I suppose that it takes a while to get used to a new city when you lived in your last city for almost ten years.

But, anyway, what I have found is that a city is like an onion. The more layers you peel away, the more intense the experience becomes. Like how the flavor of an onion seens fuller the closer to the center you get, the more layers you peel away from a city the deeper and more meaningful the experience becomes.

My life has changed drastically this past year. My living situation is one thing - since I moved half way across the country, I knew I was in for a big change, which was welcome. I went from a relatively high priced area to living within reason, from renting a small apartment to a decent size historical house, and reconnecting with my family.

This time, though, is a time when we have have to make a change in our lives, whether large or small. My change was big, my change was welcome, and I feel that I am doing better now because of it. The economy, we all know is in shambles. We are involved in too many wars, and too many Americans have died.

If you have drifted away from your family, I urge you to take the opportunity to reconnect - with your parents, your children, your partner, your spouse...and they will help you through these trivial times. It's amazing how family can get you through the rough stuff.

Oh, and by the way...it's not coffee right now...it's beer. :o)

Friday, January 23, 2009

I fancy myself a novelist

Well here I go...I was sitting here, yesterday morning, with my usual black steaming cup of coffee, typing a post, and the power went out. I didn't realize what had happened until the tv (tuned to CNN of course) went out suddenly. I looked around the living room, kind of dumbfounded, and then it clicked - oh, the power is out!

So, I didn't have much time to finish the post before I headed in to work (yes, I do work) and now here I am.

No coffee this morning, at least not yet, which is unusual for me. But I will be brewing it soon.

And I also was thinking how I fancy myself a novelist....more on that to come. Right now, I am going to bid you a good day...and we will talk later about my stories.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Redoing of an Oath

Okay, so it's about 9pm and the coffee has turned to beer.

Of course, here I am on the couch again, watching CNN and making pasta salad in the kitchen - and sipping on a cool and crisp Miller Lite. CNN is reporting on the story where Obama has redone his oath, and it gets me wondering...why?

Anderson Cooper reports that there was some flub in the Oath during the inauguration, and the powers that be decided to redo the oath - and play it back via audio recording - for all to witness. Well, let's see. I don't really see the point, but then, we should get it right, shouldn't we?

Finishing up the pasta salad, stirring in the creamy mayo, celery and mushrooms, I (of course) take a sample, toss it in the fridge and grab another beer. And that reminds me of a Haiku that I wrote, one morning, waiting for a flight in the San Diego airport while sipping on a tall and frosty beer at 9am.

I thought it was so funny to drinking a cold draft at 9am, but then...I lived on the East Coast...so it was noon for me! And it got me thinking....

Beer filled coffee cup
Foam tickles my nose just so -
Time Zone Happy Hour

Ah, the glories of beer! Staring at the brown bottle, my eyes drifted up to the kitchen cabinet. And I thought, wait a minute. This is Cup O' Joe!

Should I pour it into a coffee mug?

PM Drip-O-Matic

An afternoon cup of joe is always a good pick me up. Sipping on my always required afternoon steaming cup, black of course, I start to post some comments on USAToday.com. What I don't realize, of course, is that many of the comments are users arguing back and forth about who likes who, who is more Christian, who is more patriotic...blah, blah, blah.

Coffee and USAToday go hand in hand.

So what is the point of this blog, you ask? Well, you will see. It will gradually unfold over time. bit by bit, I will introduce myself to you, and my cup of coffee. Because, you see, coffee is an integral part of our lives. We meet people over coffee. We chat at work with a cup of coffee. And we have coffee with our meals. It picks us up, makes us more alert, and makes us feel just a little bit...better.

It doesn't matter how you take it. I may like mine black, but you might like yours with cream and two sugars. Doesn't matter how we take it - all that matters is that we all like coffee.

I like it Black

So, here I am, sitting in the early morning this morning, just rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, trying to shake off the early morning "stuffiness". I flip on CNN, and wander to the kitchen to start the coffee.

It's an early morning ritual, news and coffee. And minutes later, while relishing the hot and toasty taste of my jet-black joe, I watch our new President attend an early morning prayer service.

Isn't he tired? From what I remember, he and Michelle were out partying 'til about 2:30am.

But, anyway, enough of that. This blog is about enjoying life through coffee. Each experience is accompanied by a cup of that tasty hot beverage that opens my eyes each morning, as the distinct smell wafts through the kitchen and enlightens my senses.

The day has arrived!

I pour the rest of my coffee into my Mickey Mouse travel cup, and head out into the cold and crisp January weather. And the sun definitely is shining.